Dear Customer,


我們懷著沉重的心情宣布客棧將於 2024 年 6 月 10 日永久關閉。這個決定不是輕率做出的,我們對大家過去的支持表示最深切的感謝。感謝您成為我們旅程的一部分。我們感激一起在客棧共同建立的友誼和美好回憶。我們期待您在我們未來的事業中繼續支持我們。再次感謝大家


We are writing to you with a heavy heart to announce that Hakka Cuisine is permanently closed on 6/10/2024. This decision was not made lightly, and we want to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering Thank you for being part of our journey. We are forever grateful for the friendships and memories we have made together. We look forward to your continued support in our future ventures.

Hakka Cuisine LLC

about Us

We want to bring contemporary dishes that respect Chinese classical cuisine traditions that have stood the test of time to New York City.  Hakka () literally mean “guest families” who settled in present day South China from northern regions. Historically, the Hakka are a people in constant movement including migration overseas. The Hakka Diaspora worldwide is estimated at over 120 million and one of the first groups of Chinese-Americans to call New York City home.

Our Latest Event

Our dishes represent the places where the Hakka people have been and where they plan to go.



11:00 AM – 10:00 PM